

Rob, Kim, Mark, Rick, Steve, Dave, Rogo, Sean, John, Portia, Karl, Jim, Gordon, Lydia and the kids, Morgan, Mike and Nancy, Pat, Karin, John, Ricardo, Deb, TJ, James, Steve, Adam, Scott, Rob, Rick, Danica, Ron, Officer Mejias-Stevens, Naz, Jamie, Richard, Val, and Casey, Tom, Jeff, Will, Tara Lee and Jesse.

Thank you.

I didn’t set out for California.

I didn’t set out to prove anything.

I just set out to find you, and I did. So I thank you.Hamburg

And to my constant companion on the road, Caroline. I couldn’t have done it without you.

I’m flying home today. I promised someone a new lawnmower. And I have to honor these people by telling their stories, so keep checking back.


Massage Therapist and writer from Syracuse, NY, hitchhiking across the US.


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