• Turns out, I just might be a serial killer

    https://www.rootstockpublishing.com/rootstock-books/nobody-hitchhikes-anymore Before social distancing became our national religion, I had planned to spend the spring of 2020 hitchhiking backroads south toward Key West. I love to travel with strangers and write about it. That’s what this book, Nobody Hitchhikes Anymore, is all about (you can get a copy at https://www.rootstockpublishing.com/rootstock-books/nobody-hitchhikes-anymore). It’s being released on September 22. Yeah!!! Instead of hitchhiking, my life has become confined to the place I live, to smaller circles of safe friends. Talk of the open road has been replaced by words like pod and bubble. Instead of carrying a backpack I make sure I have my mask. The COVID-19 pandemic alters the calculus of hitchhiking just…